Monday, August 1, 2016

E-mail dated 8/1/16

Family and Friends,

Akwaabo! It was a great relief to see everybody is still alive and well at home this week after some scares last week! I'm so glad that the Lord answered my prayers. Once again, I'm sorry for the sicknesses/surgeries that everybody has been going through, but I'm grateful things are getting better!

I am also doing much better this week, thankfully! The sinus infection is completely gone and now I'm healthy enough again to hear and proselyte. Elder Tayie and I were able to to have a great week with very little casualties! We have been teaching a larger group of people now, and we are really focusing upon Less Actives and Recent Converts because there are so many of them in our branch. We worked long and hard this week seeking out those who have left the Church for some time. The Lord certainly listened to our prayers though as over 10 Less Actives came to service yesterday!! Elder Tayie and I were so happy. It doesn't matter who it is, whether investigator or recent convert or full-time member, it just feels good to see people doing what they know to be right. It was so rewarding for me.

Elder Tayie and I are also working hard to prepare a great family for baptism next Saturday before I go! They are the Gballeh family, and they are awesome. The mother, Hawa, is a little Less Active but she has been improving recently and she gave us her husband and her children to teach. So we are hoping and praying that Norris (her husband), Laurena, Kevin Beauty, Cynthia and Alice will all be baptized on the 13th of August! We are struggling to meet with them though because of the husband's work schedule, so your prayers would be much appreciated. Thank you!
Now to answer your questions...

1.  So you said your generator broke and you ran out of water and food.  I understand that generator breaking -- not really much you can do about that, but how did you run out of food and water?  How far and where did you have to go get water?  How long were you without?

Our landlord's pump burned out this past week, so we weren't able to pump the water from the well to the water tank, that's how we were out of water! It lasted for about 4 days, but thankfully there are a few wells close to our compound that we fetched from, or we caught the rain water. The food part was definitely our fault though... We've repented though.

2.  How is Elder Tayie doing this week?  I was glad to hear that he was finally diagnosed and that the meds are helping.  How are you feeling?

He is doing great and so am I! Finally.

3.  Are there some RM's from your mission in Ghana or Liberia that live close by home that you will be able to see and hang out with when you get home?  I hope there are some that can come to your homecoming!  

Yes! I have a few that we all met at the Salt Lake airport 2 years ago, like Elder Nielson and Elder Stulce and Elder Hanneman. I also have a TON of my mission friends going to BYU or UVU, so I'll be able to see most of them at least once or twice.

Well, thank you all again for the emails and the support! It's been great the past two years to open up my inbox and see all of the love that my Father in Heaven has given to me through others. I can't believe it's all coming to a close soon. I think I will only send one more long email next week, and then on the 15th I'll just send something small, maybe a paragraph. I love you all so much, and I can't thank you enough for all that you have done for me! 

Elder Degen

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